ioby Support Center

How do I get approved for match funding?

Updated on

Check out to see our current ioby match programs. Each program lists the eligibility requirements and examples.

Simply share your fundraising goal at and our team will automatically review your eligibility for an ioby match program. 

You’ll need to create an ioby website account, or sign into an existing ioby account. This typically takes 5-10 minutes.

After you share your project idea with us, you'll be contacted by a member of our team within 1-2 business days. We will confirm for you if the project idea you shared is eligible for matching funds. Or, we'll ask questions if we need a little more information to determine eligibility for an ioby match program. 

Go ahead and fill out an ioby crowdfunding page immediately after sharing your idea, so that you have a draft while you wait for us to review your eligibility for ioby match programs. Go to to fill out a draft ioby page.

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