ioby Support Center

Chapter Twelve — Volunteers

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We often say at ioby that no leader is an island. Even the best and brightest leaders need support from others. That’s why we strongly encourage every leader to put together a team for your crowdfunding campaign and to help implement your project. Having volunteers and supporters back you up along the way can boost your project in numerous different ways:

  1. Support: Recruiting volunteers is a great way to gain support for your project from the very beginning. You’re working where people live! So don’t wait until design or implementation; tell your community your ideas at the beginning.
  2. Stability: When people are involved in—or even just informed about—a project from the get-go, they’re more likely to feel a sense of ownership and support it as time goes on. That could mean giving it their time, their money, or just their vocal support.
  3. Ideas: No one knows a neighborhood like a neighbor. They can really help you brainstorm and make your ideas better. Lean on your volunteers and supporters; ask them what they want to see.

This chapter will help provide guidance for you as you recruit and manage your volunteers.

Download the full chapter below

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